The Agave & Cactus Podcast

Talking about Agave and Cactus from farms to products. Will cover using permaculture practices on farms for the new industry of California Agave Spirits & California Cactus fruit & wine. I farm both agave & cactus in Hi Vista & Lancaster, which are cities in Northeast Los Angeles County, & in the Western Mojave Desert. I will talk about my experiences, observations, opinions & tips on Agave & Cactus farming in California. I will cover what i believe the future is for these 2 plant families in california, what products i believe they most will be used for, and exciting plants. Some examples of agave products can include fiber, food, inulin, spirits, or syrup. Cactus products can be animal forage, fruit, jams, juices, & wine. Both agave and Cactus can be great plants to add for fire protection as their leaves are full of water. If you have any topics you would like me to cover, or any questions feel free to leave a comment.

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Agave & Goats

Friday Jun 21, 2024

Friday Jun 21, 2024

Agave & Goats: How they can complement each other for a more profitable farm + ranch


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